Donation Partners
10% of sales from each 'Butter4Good' blend will be donated to a partner organization!
Wild DiversityJanuary - March Donation Partner
Wild Diversity's mission is to welcome and create a sense of belonging in the outdoors for the BIPOC & LGBTQ+ communities. Wild Diversity hosts outdoor adventures, provides outdoor education, and facilitates community workshops.
To Be AnnouncedApril - June Donation Partner
This donation partner will focus on Trail Butter's desire to preserve and protect the planet and her wild spaces.
To Be AnnouncedJuly - September Donation Partner
This donation partner will be dedicated to inclusivity and opportunity in the outdoors.
The Conservation AllianceOctober - December Donation Partner
In keeping with tradition, Trail Butter's end of year 'Limited Edition' blend will raise funds for The Conservation Alliance. The Conservation Alliance harnesses the collective power of business and outdoor communities to fund and advocate for the protection of North America’s wild places.