Butter4Good Initiative

Trail Butter is a proud member of The Conservation Alliance and 1% for the Planet. Through these channels, and other non-profit partners, we are committed to supporting vital social and environmental causes through the donation of at least 1% of our gross annual revenue. As well as through support of relevant events, and the raising of funds from special seasonal flavors. We call this our Butter4Good Initiative.
Featured Flavor
Chocolate Banana
We're proud to partner with Runners for Public Lands on this limited edition blend as they organize runners to protect the people and places we love through climate action, sustainability practices, the protection of public lands, and equitable access to nature. Learn more at runnersforpubliclands.org
The time has come for the last of the 'Butter4Good' blends of 2022 and this butter is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Bananas and fair trade chocolate that is. This flavor blend has been in the running for a long while and we couldn't be more excited to deliver this deliciousness in a jar to YOU. Chocolate Banana is a real (ingredient) treat.
charitable partners - past & present